Thursday, April 30, 2009

Here Piggy Piggy

My city and county shut down all the schools for a few days due to the SWINE FLU PANDEMIC. Or is it the "STORM OF THE CENTURY?" Not sure, but in an effort to prevent future lawsuits, err, probable but not caused infections, or any real sense, the county shut everything down. 

Ah, now how long will the school year be? Do I need to panic? No. My daughter is old enough to fend for herself and so I could write to my heart's content.

I finally plowed through the second scene in the the second chapter. It took me 4 or more hours to work on it, but it reads better. Not great, but better. Then I worked on the 3rd chapter and polished it. It took about an hour and a half to do three scenes. Whew. 

Tomorrow I polish up my synopsis and edit it and my query letter. I must get this out the door soon.

I also have to take care to stay healthy--and sane in an insane world.

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