Friday, March 27, 2009

Gearing Up for Another Revision of the 3rd Book

First of all--I AM SICK OF THIS BOOK. Okay, got that out of the way. And THE MORE THINGS I LEARN ABOUT THE BOOK, THE MORE I HAVE TO FIX. Okay. Got that out of the way.

Now I am doing a character workshop with April Kihlstrom and I'm using it to help me flesh out my hero a bit more. I love the questions she is asking to ask about my characters in general and I will use them in the future for all other books and revisions.

So, today's to do list includes:

*work on Lesson 5 and answer questions about my hero for the class
*start reading through my MS and make notes for future revisions
*review my revision lesson from April Kihlstrom's BIAW class and begin applying that to the revision next week Monday
*Find a happy heart about the book
*Research possible hooks for querying the book

Oh joy. The beat goes on.

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