Thursday, February 5, 2009

Collages and Brainstorming

Yesterday I went online and found a whole lot of pictures for my book's collage. This is a BIAW assignment. I also went to the grocery store and bought some rag mags, and poster board, for the collage. I didn't make it yesterday, but I got about 10 - 15 post-its hanging in front of me regarding setting, character stats, ideas for the character's houses, and a cool idea for a place they will visit. I also know that they'll both be from the NoVA area, and that they moved South as adults. This allows me to have them head north for a trip, away from prying eyes and nosy parkers. And this allows me to utilize old research regarding a winery and bed & breakfast scene. My first book is crap, but I've farmed it twice for research!! Haha. At least it is worth something more than hanging out in a box underneath the bed.

Today's assignment is to write out fears/imagery. I'm sure that will spark some thoughts about the book. I also have more time today to fiddle with the scene cards because my darling daughter has dance and rehearsal after school. I do have to go to the school to pick up her science fair board, but that's a 20 minute distraction.

Feeling good about the story. Wish I could say the same about queries. I need to brush up on them. Big time!

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