Sunday, February 15, 2009

Book in a Week-Day Two

I got up this morning and my head was filled with bits and pieces for various parts of the story. I scribbled them down on post-its, brewed coffee, and poured water, and came into my office. I layered those bits in first, so I wouldn’t lose them, into the scenes where I felt they belonged. Then I went back to the scene I’d planned to start on and started working. I wrote pretty much all day, with a break for Wii twice (must move), and lunch. I poured a glass of vino about an hour ago and plunked onward. I had a few family interruptions (honey where are the donations receipts….for taxes? And by the way I had already given them to him, so he lost them—and what kind of ink do you need??). I managed to help hubby with clarifying that I didn’t have tax receipts, got darling daughter to unload dishwasher, held up hand in silencio when they came near my French office doors and tried to get my attention, and kept plodding on. I fizzled out about now.

So grand totals:
9,067 words
7 scenes since yesterday, one added scene
Have names for hero/heroine (first) and his partner
Have descriptions of her friends on index cards
Have notes for tomorrow
Learned washing hair is really really good for inspiration. I figured out a lot about how she’ll know him. And I am excited about that revelation.
Learned my inner critic turns on in the afternoons and needs LOTS of beatings and time outs—but she can be silenced
Learned that inner motivation and what drives my characters internally needs to be written out and it is my way of discovering who they are—lots of sequel type, introspection, writing and am in their heads a lot—so what if the world wants all the action? I can layer that in later.

Saved it all to memory stick as well as to hard drive.

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