Monday, July 27, 2009

Idea Exchange

I am lucky: I have really wonderful writing comrades and chapter mates. I had a dilemma and I pinged all of them with my dilemma. They helped solidify my next step.

And I appreciate it all. And I am intensely aware of how blessed I am to know these women.

Writers are a strange lot. We are in a hole, typing away, and listening to fictional characters in our heads on a daily basis. We discuss ways to bring people together and rip them apart. We brainstorm ideas about how to make the stories in our heads marketable and how to make them work on the pages we spit out. We are emotional, cerebral, sane and insane. Our families get us, a bit, but our writing friends KNOW our struggles.

It is a lonely job, yet it is one filled with interesting companions along the way.

So cheers Ladies! I love you all for what you bring to the table of my life. The platter is full!!


Mary Curry said...

Writing friends are the best! When my girls were little, one of my writer friends and I used to sit and plot at our kitchen tables over tea and scones while the kids played. It was such a motivating time.

I miss those days.

Christine said...

Mary: sometimes I miss the ease of those days in general. I truly love my writing friends. They are the best. Right now I have my CPs reading my MS before I spit and polish it for the requests. I wouldn't be where I am today without these two wonderful ladies and their support.