Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tis the Day after Christmas and All Through the House....

.... only I am up. I am the early bird of the family and I treasure this time alone. I catch up on emails, forums and blogs. I love the quiet cool air and the hush of the halls. It's great solitary time to work as well. I am looking forward to using the time wisely in the days ahead as I edge toward the new year.

While we were in Texas, I managed to work on my current WIP. I finished cutting and pasting my last half of the WIP! Amazing what having a hotel room with space, two sleepy family members and being an early riser will do for one's ability to get work accomplished. So, despite the very sad reasons we were there, I did manage to work, too.

We drove back on the 23rd. That was a very long day. But then we were home and ensconced in our house by 5:30PM. On Christmas Eve I went shopping for food and did laundry (the bane of my existence). We brought down all of our presents and set them under the tree. After cookies and milk and tossing Reindeer Food (my fifteen year old believes in tradition), we were off to bed.

Santa arrived and we all reaped a mighty stash of presents. Woohoo! Then we went off to the movie theater and watched SHERLOCK HOLMES. Oh my, Robert D. is adorable. They did a great job of retooling the old icon. Loved the film. Then it was home to chillax, eat dinner, work puzzles, read, do nothing.

I love this time of year!

I love having time to sleep and do nothing and relax.

I love knowing that when the New Year arrives, I'll be ready to roll with the current WIP because I committed to writing a little every day, more on some and none on others, but I managed to work a lot in. That's the key. I will know my peeps when I start up the new year.

I hope you all know your peeps, too! I hope you have a wonderful break, and I hope you have a fabulous new year celebration.


Gwen Hernandez said...

Ooh, Sherlock Holmes looks so good! I've been waiting impatiently to see it. Glad you got some work done. I've managed some writing. Have a great week!

Christine said...

It was excellent. Glad you are having a good week. I have so much to do come the new year. Whew. I'll be glad to get writing on a regular basis again.