Sunday, November 23, 2008

Line Edits--Nothing More

I have 45 pages of manuscript to read through as well as a snyopsis. The synopsis is my least favorite thing to write and read because it's not even the original storyline (although close enough). The 45 pages are DONE except for missing words, occasional echoes, and slight changes. No more major revisions. I simply don't have time.

And speaking of time, I also have to shop for my entire Thanksgiving week--food for guests arriving Tuesday-- life supplies. I'm heading to the grocery store today, reading through my POS/Synopsis afteward, and then I am taking my daughter to see Twilight. Somehow a week's worth of laundry will mysteriously become clean today as well.

Tomorrow, cleaning house, finalizing the disk for the rest of the MS and copying/mailing it in are on my task lists. Ah!!!

And I am entering another contest, just for the heck of it. A Harlequin editor is juding the entries for that one so I've decided, why not?

Holidays and visitors are a major, but very welcome, distraction to my writing madness.

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