Wednesday, April 7, 2010

WIP Goals

The WIP is cut down by about 5000 words. Now I go into the whole document and continue working toward getting it ready for the Scrivener round of scene by scene work. I hope to be adding words by the end of the week. I had hoped to work on my YA idea, but that hasn't happened to date. I'm not worried about it. This WIP is the priority. If time allows, I'll play with the YA.

Goals for Today:

*check tracked changes and accept or not
*make line edit changes as marked in the comment section
*shift four scenes that I know need to move
*free write where I am inspired (you know those moments where you go "aha"--like those)

Everything else I accomplish is icing.

Do you set daily goals? I like to set word count goals when I am in first draft work, but it's hard to do when I am revising. Yet I joined the RWA-PRO Forum to reach 50,000 words by the time the RWA National Conference opens at the end of July.

Crazy? Maybe. But it's good to push ourselves where we can if we want to become prolific writers.


Jennifer Shirk said...

You're right! It is good to push ourselves. Good luck with your goals!

Christine said...

Thanks Jennifer. I'm soldiering on over here. Working with the full MS and just tearing through with the bigger elements is working out well, but I'm chomping at the bit to layer in my new scene ideas.