Monday, June 17, 2013

Makeover Madness on the Veranda

The Veranda has been undergoing a lot of reconstruction ever since I got "The Call AKA the Amazing Email." I'm really excited about the changes that the College Kid is implementing to the Veranda's design and the logo. There have been discussions about Roses versus Hearts, font names bandied about (which the College Kid has memorized and I have not), and sleek lettering to look at when she's finished coding stuff (which is my fancy way of saying "doing something I have no idea how to do and if I tried my brain would pop").

Stay tuned. This work is still in progress. Kind of like my current novella and my other draft in revision.  So while the College Kid has been working on my blog, my tumblr site and more, I've been doing what I know best: writing and revising and studying my craft online via a wonderful course offered by my Southern Magic Writing Chapter.

Oh, and when I haven't been Digging Out of the Distractions of reconstruction noise, I have been working with the website designer and there are a few minor changes to the site. Check it out at Press my shiny new Entangled Publishing button and pop over to see their fabulous new titles.

If you're in the mood for something different, then my new Tumblr site might be the ticket. Though I originally joined it to follow the amazing John Green, author of The Fault in Our Stars (which is an amazing, beautiful soul-searing read), now I'm having fun exploring my new tumblr world. Here's the link:

The College Kid designed the site for me. I think it looks amazing. I'm so lucky she's got this crazy math and designer gifted brain. That way she can do cool computer-like stuff while I do what I love to do: write.

I'm stoked about the novella's direction. I have been pre-writing Jessie and Blake's story. Jessie is tough, but Blake is the perfect Alpha-licious hero and I know he'll release her from her prison of pain, frustration, anger, and grief. Of course, I have to do this in a quick way, which will be a challenge. But I'm still researching her background thoroughly and can't wait to learn more about her career which means conducting an interview or two about her dangerous profession. Meanwhile, my plotting class has given Roxy & Stefano's story a great new direction for the revisions. I'm sensing a little suspense and action, but the core of the story is their romance. And that's what brings a big grin to my face when I'm writing. I love *love*.

So be on the lookout for the grand unveiling of the new look and title for the blog. The contents will likely evolve, but all in a good way. And one thing will always stay the same: me. I'm still a writer who loves to write and is constantly figuring out how to squeeze in more time to do what she loves.

How about you? Any big changes? How do you handle change? Do you like it, embrace it, or run from it?


Crystal Lee said...

I love the changes you've set in motion. It's a wonderful thing to see a plan come together. Change promotes growth. I look forward to seeing what else you have up your sleeve.

Anonymous said...

Philisha said, "I like the way it looks. Change can be a good thing, especially if it cleans out the cobwebs. I've had a lot of change over this year as I've just started writing. I write more as retail therapy to curb my spending on romance novels. 365 books a year is a little extreme, so now due to writing my own novel, I've only read 36 this year. Yeah, my pocketbook really liked this change."

Christine said...

Hi Crystal: Change promotes growth is an excellent way of thinking! I might have to incorporate it into my cool quotes on the door!

Hi Philisha: Thanks for visiting the Veranda!! So glad you changed your outlook about reading versus writing. Looking forward to seeing your books in the future and reading them :)