Thursday, July 15, 2010

Frittering Time Away

I'm back! I've been home for 5 days, but I haven't blogged other than on Romance Magicians because I've been regrouping. First I had to get my life in order, somewhat, and then I worked on my manuscript to give it a final polish before sending it to the editor who has requested it.

Yesterday I mailed the manuscript to England. Now my baby, once again, is out of my hands. After I shipped the package, I felt a little adrift. I always do after I send off requested materials. So I wandered around aimlessly, shopped a bit and bought trinkets for myself and household items. I called a few friends, my CP in DC and I chatted for a long time about the upcoming conference, and then I visited with another friend here in Alabama.

I frittered time away. I don't often do that, but maybe that's my new unspoken, unplanned reward for finishing a task and sending my baby to a stranger. Now to some people frittering time away might not seem like a reward, but for myself it is a big deal because I am very goal oriented and super focused. Time is something I manage, try to control, and use very wisely. So whenever I just float through a day, it feels downright decadent.

Today I will buckle down again. I have tons to do to before I head off to Orlando for the RWA National Conference. I want to work on my pitch for the editor/agent appointments, continue polishing my fourth manuscript, and shop for wardrobe pieces for the conference. Then there are the ordinary household things that I let slide, mostly paperwork and filing. So I'll be making my lists and checking them twice. I'll be back to managing time and being efficient, but yesterday was lovely. I'm glad I frittered.

What do you do after you finish a major project or send off a manuscript to an editor/agent?


Anne Gallagher said...

I think we all need to fritter some time after finishing a big project. We've spent how long focusing on one single task that sucks our brain dry. Shopping always cures me of that. Fritter away.

Christine said...

Thanks Piedmont. I see you're working on your MS on the blog. Good!! I know this will reboot your writing soul. I have a billion emails and administrative stuff to do today--my least favorite thing in the WORLD. Meh. But I had fun frittering and I may fritter a bit more today cause I got two phone calls scheduled. Crazy, right? I have all these time zone issues so my BF and writing friend and I have schedule when we can sit down to chat on the phone.

Happy Writing! I'm looking forward to reading more about your peeps.

Mary Curry said...

I'm a firm believer in frittering time, Christine. It's a great way of de-stressing for me.

Good luck with the submission!

Christine said...

Thanks MaryC-I am crossing all appendages, but at this point it is out of my hands. Eventually my ship will sail. Yeah, frittering is a de-stressor.

Wendy S Marcus said...

Hi Christine!
I just sent my manuscript off after working days and nights for weeks on a massive rewrite. And quite frankly I don't know what to do with myself!!! Part of me says to jump right into another project because once I get involved in other things it takes me twice as long to get back in the routine of writing daily. Although there is this book I've been wanting to read. Maybe I'll do that. I've missed quite a few of your posts while in my self-imposed exile. I just caught up...Now tell me...what exactly is inside a fling bag???(wink) See you at National!

Christine said...

Hi Wendy! Congratulations on your revision and rewrite being FINISHED. What a great relief- and accomplishment. I can't dive into a new project after I finish a major project. I always need a little refill the air in the lungs time.

My fling bag had .... I'll never tell, but I can say this--after almost 25 years together, we still know how to light the sparks.