Christine's stories reflect how her life has shaped her as a person, and she wants to encourage her readers to believe in love conquering all. On her own at sixteen, she waited on tables and cleaned commodes to make her living while she achieved her high school equivalency diploma via the GED. Then a brief stint in modeling led her to find her own hero who looked beyond Christine's tough-as-nails exterior and recognized the nurturer within. After their marriage, she entered college and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in elementary education. Naturally, she went straight into the media industry with because working with DJs and television personal seemed like more fun.
After leaving the media industry to become a SAHM, she began writing. Cobbling contemporary romance fiction stories is like breathing to her. Researching the various professions and aspects of her stories nurture her inner adventurer. She's been to shooting ranges, radio stations, wineries, gun shops, gorgeous settings all over the United States and the world, bars, restaurants and shops to make sure her novels are realistic and factual. Curiosity drives her to learn. Her characters inspire Christine to give depth to their stories. And her desire to find the best dining experience in the southeast supports Christine's zest of exploration.
Christine enjoys finding the silly in the serious, making wine out of sour grapes, and giving people giggle fits along with heartfelt hugs. When she's not writing and blogging, you will find Christine traveling with friends and family, cooking gourmet meals, and desperately seeking a corkscrew.
Christine's History
Christine was born in the Netherlands and lived there until she was four. Her parents immigrated to Canada via a nationwide call for college educated white collar workers in the country. She grew up in the western provinces of Alberta and Manitoba. When she was nineteen she moved to Vancouver, British Columbia and modeled briefly, worked as a deli manager, and continued her education. She met the Physicist in Vancouver and they were married within three months. The Physicist brought Christine to Knoxville, Tennessee. She gave birth to her daughter while living there. Shortly afterward, they moved to Washington, D.C. Christine loved living in Fairfax, VA, but life has a habit of making her move around. In 2008 she moved to Madison, Alabama because the Physicist's job dictated the change of scenery. While she will always be a little more city than country, she loves her new friends and life.
What's Important to Christine
Christine's philosophy is to live life to the fullest. Always look for the good even in the darkest of days. Be kind to others and treat them with dignity and respect. And never let worldly success trump being gracious and generous to those who surround you.
The best advice she's ever received is to be a hostess in your corner of the world. Christine strives to bring that advice to life every day.
Christine's History
Christine was born in the Netherlands and lived there until she was four. Her parents immigrated to Canada via a nationwide call for college educated white collar workers in the country. She grew up in the western provinces of Alberta and Manitoba. When she was nineteen she moved to Vancouver, British Columbia and modeled briefly, worked as a deli manager, and continued her education. She met the Physicist in Vancouver and they were married within three months. The Physicist brought Christine to Knoxville, Tennessee. She gave birth to her daughter while living there. Shortly afterward, they moved to Washington, D.C. Christine loved living in Fairfax, VA, but life has a habit of making her move around. In 2008 she moved to Madison, Alabama because the Physicist's job dictated the change of scenery. While she will always be a little more city than country, she loves her new friends and life.
What's Important to Christine
Christine's philosophy is to live life to the fullest. Always look for the good even in the darkest of days. Be kind to others and treat them with dignity and respect. And never let worldly success trump being gracious and generous to those who surround you.
The best advice she's ever received is to be a hostess in your corner of the world. Christine strives to bring that advice to life every day.